Current Grants

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January 2021 – a la fecha:  Núcleo Milenio de Límite de Vida Patagónico.

January 2020 – January 2022: Networking Grant CONICYT-PCI REDES for International Scientific Cooperation between iBio – Wisconsin Energy Institute (US) and Delft University Technology (Netherlands). ‘The SynVAR Collaborative Network: Yeast genetics for Synthetic Biology and Natural Variation advances in native Patagonian yeasts’. Principal Investigator.

January 2019 – January 2022: Research Grant for International Scientific Cooperation ECOS/CONICYT C18B03 ‘Genomic and physiological Characterization of ethanol-producing yeast populations from Patagonia’ between Universidad de Santiago de Chile and Sorbonne Université. Principal Researcher.

May 2018 – May 2020 . FIC Región de los Rios. ‘Hacia la denominación de origen de la cerveza de Los Ríos: descubriendo una levadura nativa’.

April 2018 to date. FONDECYT Regular 1180161 ‘Decoding the genomic and phenomic complexity of the cryotolerant yeast Saccharomyces eubayanus’.

January 2018 – to date: Millennium Institute for Integrative and Synthetic Biology (MIISSB).


Yeast collections are available upon request. Please contact Valentina Abarca or Francisco A. Cubillos

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